Merlot – DOC Friuli Colli Orientali - Castello di Buttrio

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Merlot – DOC Friuli Colli Orientali - Castello di Buttrio

Merlot’s clusters recall the blackbird’s plumage and blackbirds are also particularly fond of the vine’s thin-skinned berries.
The nose unveils vibrant aromas of blueberry and raspberry-led berry fruits that lead into a fine-textured mouthfeel.

Special Price € 18,60

Availibility: Availibility

The Merlot story in Friuli started towards the end of the 19th century when the variety found an ideal habitat in Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Colli Orientali. It takes its name, which may refer to the blackbird, from the dark blue colour of its berries.

A wine that complements a range of foods, from pasta and barley and beans with shin of pork to bean and sauerkraut jota soup. Lovely with stewed rabbit, guinea fowl, hen or goose and boiled meats. Equally tempting with Grado-style fish stew, fat-rich fish or savoury tomato-based fish soups and even stewed eel
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