Sauvignon – DOC Friuli Colli Orientali - Castello di Buttrio

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Sauvignon – DOC Friuli Colli Orientali - Castello di Buttrio

Sauvignon blanc is one of the most distinctive grapes in the world. Its lays out a wealth of aromatic riches in a bouquet of spring flowers, pears and wild fennel. The signature aromatics make Sauvignon instantly appealing and its fragrant approachability has earned the wine numberless fans.
The vine’s roots infiltrate the tiny cracks in the ponca of the Buttrio hills, absorbing the character-enhancing minerals in the soil that underlie the wine’s fragrances of honeysuckle and white peaches.

Special Price € 18,00

Availibility: Availibility

Sauvignon blanc is one of the most distinctive grapes in the world. Its lays out a wealth of aromatic riches in a bouquet of spring flowers, pears and wild fennel. The signature aromatics make Sauvignon instantly appealing and its fragrant approachability has earned the wine numberless fans.
The vine’s roots infiltrate the tiny cracks in the ponca of the Buttrio hills, absorbing the character-enhancing minerals in the soil that underlie the wine’s fragrances of honeysuckle and white peaches.
Food matchings
Marvellous with crustaceans in general and scampi in particular, whether raw or gracing a plate of pasta alla busara. Ideal with lobster or spiny lobster however cooked, and as a partner for fish baked with Mediterranean herbs. Excellent with aromatic spring herb risottos
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